We'll Handle the Technology
Your Partner for Small Business Technology Solutions and Support
With more than two hundred clients in northeast Florida and throughout the country, GTS helps small businesses grow through effective technology implementation and consulting. We empower our clients with smart technical solutions and outstanding people skills. We’re here to listen. We’re ready to help.
Why Choose GTS
Free 15 Point Technology Check
2. Check current Antivirus in place
3. Identify computer performance issues
4. Analyze Wi-Fi coverage
... and many more!
People Skills

Remote Monitoring & Management
With remote support, we can support any client! We are able to offer these services to our clients in ANY GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION.
Office 365 Implementation
With an affordable Office 365 implementation, you and your small business staff can work from anywhere, using any device and securely share files, calendars,...
Business Support for Computer & Technology Issues
Struggling with computer, laptop, printer, Wi-Fi, file sharing, or business email issues? We can fix those issues and many more, and we can help you prevent similar problems in the future.
Business Support for New Technology
Take advantage of our expertise in business technology so you can spend more time on what you do best with your business! We are a Microsoft Partner and Office 365 reseller, providing support for those products!
Technology Upgrades
Grand Technology Solutions provides free consultation for new computers (PC or Mac), servers, network components, or mobile device upgrades. Just give us a call, and we’ll ask about your current business requirements to help you make the best upgrade decisions.
Email Migrations
Tired of using Gmail or other mail services for your business? Let us help you register your own domain and represent your business professionally.
Some of Our Small Business Clients

200+ Business Clients
in Florida and Throughout the Country

Curt Coenen and Belinda Casper,
Healthy Living Moxie
Dennis Povloski,
DF Pensions, Inc.
Celeste Grande,
Larkin Canington,
BSP, Inc.GTS Certifications and Vendor Partners

GTS Strategic Partners

Charlie Eddins, Owner
Document Scanning, Retrieval, Management
Curry Workman
Commercial Real Estate
Cal Heseman
Business Broker