How Technology Can Boost Your Day-to-Day Productivity and Efficiency

How Technology Can Boost Your Day-to-Day Productivity and Efficiency

In today’s business world, productivity, innovation, and efficiency are what drive success. The key to all those has become the use of technology in the workplace. It doesn’t matter whether your team is small or large, working in an office or remotely; you can always make technology work better for you. Here are a few ways technology can help boost your day-to-day productivity and efficiency.

Fast & Reliable Internet Connection

When your internet connection is fast and reliable throughout your office — or home if you’re working remotely–  it’s easier to get more accomplished. After all, the internet probably powers most of your office technology. Telecommuting and videoconferencing have become the norm, and if you’ve ever tried to listen to a glitchy conversation or watch a choppy video, you know how important a speedy connection is. Having reliable access to cloud applications and network data is a must. You don’t want to be waiting for a slow buffering internet to load an important time-sensitive document.

At Grand Technology Solutions we can help assess the connections you’re currently using and offer recommendations for fixing or improving your connectivity issues.

Manage Passwords Effectively

How many times have you forgotten or mistyped an important password? Having a secure password is extremely important with cyber threats lurking around every corner but remembering those passwords can sometimes be a burden. Using a password manager can help save you time by always getting your password right on the first login attempt. You will never have to deal with getting locked out of an account or spend time recovering and resetting your passwords when you forget.

Using a password manager like our GTS Password Portal allows you to keep your energy on your business and skip those unwanted interruptions and frustrations.

Utilize Online Collaboration Tools

It can be extremely frustrating when you have to wait for a colleague to send you a file you need. Sharing and collaborating on documents is one of the most basic tasks employees do every day, but it can also be one of the biggest productivity killers. Using a remote collaboration tool, like Microsoft Teams, can help your employees become more efficient. Along with offering great communication tools like instant messaging, online audio and video calls, and screen sharing, Teams also allows you to share files and collaborate on Office documents simultaneously. Teams also offers integrations with OneDrive and SharePoint for file storage, so you can keep everything in one place.

To learn more about Microsoft Teams and how this powerful tool can help can maximize your time and teamwork. Visit us online or call GTS for a free demo.

Dual Monitor Workstation

A simple solution to better efficiency involves using multiple monitors. Having multiple monitors allows you to easily work through tasks that require you to switch between various windows and programs. You can focus on one screen and then quickly pull up a chat or email on the other without losing your place. Adding monitors can be an inexpensive way to enable more flexible multitasking and empower employees to prioritize projects more easily.

Choosing the right monitor for your workstation or laptop is just one of many ways GTS can help support your business computer and technology needs. Learn more here.

At GTS, we can identify ways technology can boost efficiency and help speed up productivity for your business. Give us a call at (904) 606-6011 or email to learn more.



Paul May