
How Can Small Businesses Benefit from IT Consultants?

As a small business owner, you’re likely used to wearing a lot of hats: you’re the business accountant, CEO, HR department, security officer, marketing agency, and IT department all at once. When you’re just starting out, it can be easy to fall into the trap of “cutting costs.” If the business is so small, why spend the money to outsource anything you can do yourself?

The simple answer? You can’t do it all.

Delegation is one of the first skills you learn as a successful business owner. And more importantly, you learn what you can do yourself with a little bit of elbow grease versus what needs to be handled by the professionals. One thing you should never cut corners on is IT and cybersecurity for small businesses.

HOWEVER! Before you panic over price tags and annual product renewals, rest assured that there is a way to invest in your cybersecurity without breaking the bank: IT consultants. An outsourced IT program, otherwise known as a managed service provider, takes a lot of the headaches away from being a business owner. A group like Grand Technology Solutions leverages their expertise, connections, and experience to give you confidence in your own technology. And with services like Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM), you can “set and forget” many of your biggest technology stressors – or at least, leave all that maintenance up to someone who knows what they’re doing, so you don’t have to.

As outsourced IT professionals, we here at Grand Technology Solutions get a lot of questions, but the biggest one is, “Why should I bother with a managed service provider?”

Here are just a few of our favorite answers to that question.

YOU SAVE THAT SWEET, SWEET MONEY. Remember that thing about cutting costs? It sounds backwards, but investing in managed IT services means you don’t have to spend a ton of money on piecemeal IT services. To that end…

YOU DON’T WASTE MONEY ON CRAP YOU DON’T NEED. There’s nothing worse than letting that salesperson talk you into a shiny, expensive piece of technology… only for it to sit gathering dust for months. With managed IT services at Grand Technology Solutions, you get advice on what to buy, upgrade, or invest in – and never more than you actually need.

YOU GET MORE DOWN TIME. One of the most hectic parts of being a business owner is that you’re “always on.” Even when you’re not physically in the office (or, y’know, balancing your laptop and your cat on the couch), you’re still thinking about all those “what if”s and potential small biz explosions. With RMM services, you know you’re in good hands, so you can sneak in a few more hours of Netflix binges with your partner. (Don’t worry, we won’t tell.)

YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY THAT YOU’RE “DOING IT WRONG.” Imposter syndrome, anyone? When you’re just starting out, it’s easy to feel like you’re messing everything up. Small business is a rollercoaster: moments of “Oh no, why did I think I could do this?!” interspersed with those gorgeous “Heck yeah, I’m gonna be a gazillionaire!” moments. But there’s nothing worse than facing a problem totally outside of your wheelhouse – you’re a retail store owner, for example, and your entire POS system just went down. Instead of wasting hours of time and google searches trying to find a DIY fix, your IT consultant will fix the problem for you – and get it right the first time.

YOU RUN YOUR BUSINESS LIKE A WELL-OILED MACHINE. Finally, productivity is the name of the game when it comes to small business. Anything you can do to make your business, your team, and yourself more efficient will do wonders for the longevity of your business. Even if you’re happy with the way things are right now, the team at GTS can help you identify opportunities for improvement you never knew existed.

Sound too good to be true? We promise it isn’t. 😉 At Grand Technology Solutions, you have a team of certified, experienced experts ready to make your technology dreams come true. Let us take on the technological pressure – so you can stop buying those Costco-sized jars of antacid!

Give us a call at (904) 606-6011 to talk us through any IT headaches you have, or send us an email at You don’t need to have a problem to give us a call! We’re always available to assess your business’s technology and security needs, completely for free, and design a comprehensive RMM service plan that works for you.


Paul May