24x7x365 Monitoring

The Importance of 24x7x365 Remote Monitoring

The safety of your network’s information is imperative to the success of your business. Often, a big IT disaster started as a minor problem that went undetected. Catching these issues as early as possible is the key to keeping company employees productive. 

If you neglect your security, every minute of downtime could result in a loss of revenue and potentially your company’s reputation with its customers. 

This is why round-the-clock monitoring, like GTS’s Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) service, is vital to maintaining the health and security of your organization’s systems and network.

What is 24x7x365 Monitoring?

24x7x365 monitoring allows IT providers to monitor your network’s security for cyber attacks or breaches, firewall glitches, employee access, and more. When used properly, 24x7x365 monitoring will immediately issue an alert whenever there’s a problem with your organization’s IT infrastructure, enabling you to respond more quickly and deploy countermeasures. Continuous monitoring can be the difference between a mild cybersecurity concern and a large-scale digital breach, leading to a loss of company files, crashing servers, and other major problems.

Benefits of 24x7x365 Monitoring

The benefits your business get from having this level of monitoring speak for themselves! Here are just a few examples:

Improved Security

Security breaches don’t just interrupt your business operations; they can cause irreparable damage and can end your business in a snap. Continuous monitoring gives you the ability to prevent unexpected emergencies like failed backups, outdated antivirus software, holes in your firewall and security settings, and more. With 24x7x365 monitoring, issues like the ones above are discovered before they turn into problems.

Improved Productivity

Besides saving the day from disaster, you’ll also be able to improve day-to-day productivity. Continuous monitoring can help identify outdated or inadequate equipment or applications so you can perform upgrades before productivity suffers. For example, at GTS, we can use continuous monitoring to free up space on your server before it runs out, alert you to performance errors, and equipment failures before they cause your network to go down.

Cost Effective

Hourly-based, reactive support is not ideal for a small or medium business on a budget. When you are not proactive with monitoring, crisis situations will occur more frequently. With a crisis also comes downtime and an unexpected invoice. When you factor in financial benefits like increased productivity and the prevention of a single disaster, a flat fee for a 24x7x365 monitoring plan is easily justified as a valuable and cost-effective solution.

Gain Business Insight

Does your system seem to be running slower? Are your hard drives filling up quickly? Are recurring error messages interfering with your workflow? These are just some of the issues most businesses fumble through every day. After all, finding an immediate work-around is faster than trying to diagnose the problem – especially if you are not a technical person. Fortunately, continuous monitoring can help analyze these issues and provide insights about how the technology may be helping or hindering your business. This will give you crucial information on how to move forward in reaching your business goals.

Make sure you are being proactive about your business technology! For more information about how 24x7x365 monitoring can support your business, give us a call at (904) 606-6011 or send us an email at


Paul May