It’s the age of the remote employee! Many of today’s businesses operate across continents and time zones, with employees meeting in person once or twice a year—if at all. When everyone on your team works from different locations, it can feel nearly impossible to get everyone on the same page. However, many modern collaboration and […]
GTS is excited to announce a relationship with The Della Porta Group to offer Cyber Insurance to our customers! Cyber insurance is designed to help businesses recover from expenses that might occur as the result of a data breach. This includes forensic investigations, business losses, lawsuits, extortion attempts AND recovery expenses! A report by USA […]
Data is everywhere. Employee bank information, client addresses, credit card numbers, style guides—how much sensitive information does your business process over a single day? All that data doesn’t stay in one place. It’s stored, transferred, analyzed, collected, processed, and accessed by any number of legitimate users. So, what’s stopping an illegitimate user from accessing all […]
The business world is full of unexpected delays. Your project management platform shouldn’t be one of them. Especially when working as part of a remote team, an integrated project management platform can help your business stay on top of client requests, project updates, and time constraints. These systems are constantly changing—in this blog, we’ll take […]
In the era of identity fraud, database leaks, and sloppy cybersecurity, committing to password strength is one of the easiest ways to improve security—and one of the most common steps working professionals forget to take. We all know not to set “password” as our password—but what makes a good set of security credentials, anyway? A […]
When small businesses and IT collide, we come across a number of misconceptions about what business owners need. For example, many small business owners think their business is safe from cyber attacks because hackers have bigger fish to fry. Other small businesses believe they are “too small” to benefit from outsourcing their technology headaches. Still […]
The end of the year is an excellent time for planning: prepping for tax season, archiving old client information, and planning your budget for the new year. While you’re preparing your next year’s IT strategy, take the time to address your current storage system. How can improvements to your storage system help boost your business? […]
Picture this: you’re ready to start your workday and sit down at your laptop, coffee in hand. You’re halfway through your morning cup before your computer finishes its boot-up process, and you finish your drink in the time it takes Outlook to run. Then, when you’ve clicked on your first email and switched over to […]
For business owners, the end of the year can seem like a massive hurdle to jump. With taxes, budgets, and vacation time to plan, it can feel like there’s no time to celebrate the holidays at all! However, the end of the year can be a great time to get a head start on planning, […]
Whether you’re starting your business or looking for ways to upgrade in the New Year, it’s always a good idea to take stock of your current IT practices and find ways to improve. But what are those “current IT practices”? How do you identify areas for improvement without leaving anything out? And what if your […]