Cybersecurity For Electronic Devices

Cybersecurity For Electronic Devices

The importance of cybersecurity extends beyond your desktop or laptop computer. When you think about it, many of our everyday electronic devices are computers, from cell phones and tablets to video games, car navigation systems, and more. With advancements in technology and more people using smart devices, there has been a corresponding rise in cyber threats. Each smart device is potentially another way an attacker can access your data, and for those who work from home, protecting sensitive data stored on the cloud is a must. However, this does not mean you need to avoid using all smart devices.

What Types of Electronic Devices are Vulnerable?

Any electronic device that uses a computerized component is vulnerable to cyber-attacks, and the risk goes up significantly if the device is connected to the internet. For example, an attacker may be able to infect your cell phone with a virus, steal your phone or wireless service, or access the data on your device. Not only do these activities have implications for your personal information, but they could also have severe consequences if you store business information on the device too.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

Physical Security 

Having physical access to a device makes it easier for an attacker to extract or corrupt information. Therefore, do not leave your device unattended in public or easily accessible areas.

Keep Software Updated 

If the vendor releases updates for the software operating your device, install them as soon as possible. Even if your device does not require the update, you should still install it as soon as possible. Installing them will prevent attackers from being able to take advantage of known problems or vulnerabilities. Many devices also offer the option for automatic updates.

Password Security

Choose devices that allow you to protect your information with passwords. Select passwords that will be difficult for cybercriminals to guess and use different passwords for different programs and devices. Instead of choosing options that allow your device to remember your passwords, use a password manager program to keep track of all your passwords in a secure location. Additionally, set up multi-factor authentication whenever possible.

Disable Remote Connectivity

Some mobile devices are equipped with wireless technologies, such as Bluetooth, that can be used to connect to other devices or computers. You should disable these features when they are not in use.

Encrypt Files

If you are storing personal or corporate information, see if your device offers the option to encrypt the files. By encrypting files, you ensure that unauthorized people can’t view data even if they can physically access it. When you use encryption, it is essential to remember your passwords and passphrases because if you forget or lose them, you may lose your data.

Be Cautious of Using Public Wi-Fi

When connecting to any public wireless network like in an airport, hotel, or a coffee shop, make sure you do not conduct sensitive activities such as online shopping, banking, or sensitive work. Confirm the name of the network and exact login procedures with the appropriate staff to ensure that the network is legitimate. Only visit sites that begin with “https://” when using public Wi-Fi.

The experts at Grand Technology Solutions can help you raise your cybersecurity awareness and provide you with tools and techniques you’ll need to protect your business from cyber threats. Contact us today at (904) 606-6011 or email to learn more.


Paul May