
Free 15-Point Technology Check – Home or Business!

As part of a new relationship with any new client (business or residential), we run through our Grand Technology Solutions 15 Point Technology Check. This allows us to document the existing network and equipment in place and make recommendations for improvement if needed.

Give us a call to schedule our 15 Point Technology Check!

1. Inventory current PC and Macintosh computers to document model, operating system, memory, available disk space, and installed applications. Make recommendations for upgrades if needed

2. Check for up-to-date antivirus, antimalware, and ransomware protection.

3. Identify computer performance issues (slow web page loads, long startup time, crashing, etc.)

4. Analyze current Wi-Fi coverage, speed, dead spots. Make recommendations for improvement if needed.

5. Identify iPads, tablets, and smartphones in use and make recommendations as needed.

6. Check for current operating system updates (Windows and Macintosh updates)

7. Document current email accounts in use and make recommendations for consolidation.

8. Document current Microsoft Office applications (Outlook, Word, Excel, etc.) and make recommendations.

9. Identify data backup system in place, if any. Make recommendations.

10. Identify areas where data can be consolidated among computers, tablets, online cloud storage.

11. Document printers in use. Make recommendations for wireless connectivity, upgrades if needed.

12. Document current Internet Service Provider (Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, etc.) and make recommendations.

13. Identify any existing file sharing between computers and check security. Make recommendations.

14. Identify current folder structure for saving computer files. Make recommendations.

15. Identify opportunities for training and coaching to help increase efficiency working across all devices.

Grand Technology Solutions
(904) 606-6011


Paul May