Remote Work Environment

Hiring a New Employee? Here’s What You Need To Do Before They Arrive…

How do your technology needs change when you switch to a remote work environment? When you’re ready to start hiring again, how do you know your team has the right technology in place?

Today, we’re taking a closer look at the IT concerns behind hiring a new employee: what you should have set up before they arrive, how to boost security, and how to make their first day go as smoothly as possible.

You’ve hired an employee – now what?!

You’ve gone through interviews, made an offer, and signed an employment agreement—now you have to get ready to bring on a new employee! Before a new team member comes on board, it’s time to take a look at the software, hardware, and security procedures your team already has in place. What do you need to get done to make your new hire a seamless member of the team?

Before your new hire’s first day, make sure you:

  • Set up a company email account
  • Grant access to shared programs (like project management software and CRMs)
  • Install important programs, like Office 365 and Microsoft Teams
  • Connect new user accounts to cloud storage and file sharing
  • Order, inventory, and set up new equipment

How to guarantee security for your new hire

It’s understandable if your new employee doesn’t know your security procedures backward and forward on their first day. Take the stress out of the equation by instituting security policies before your new hire arrives. Make IT security part of your onboarding training, especially if you work in an environment that handles a lot of sensitive client data. If your team brings devices from home, make sure you have bulletproof mobile device management (MDM) policies in place, too. Your data can never be too protected!

To make sure your new hire’s security is as airtight as possible, make sure to:

  • Set up a secure password storage system for your employee
  • Draw up a data privacy agreement for the new employee to sign
  • Create automatic backups for company computer files and Office 365 data
  • Confirm email encryption services are in place for sensitive data
  • Set up MDM software on employee devices (if your office uses a BYOD policy)
  • Provide security training as part of your onboarding package

IT tips for a new employee’s first day

Your new hire’s got enough to worry about learning everyone’s names and figuring out where to go for lunch! Avoid a long wait for a working laptop by double-checking your employee’s new tech the morning of their first day. Make sure all hardware is working, all necessary programs are installed, and all accounts are active. As your employee starts to get more familiar with your business, offer one-on-one meetings to check in with their progress, and make sure IT training is part of your onboarding process.

To guarantee your new employee has a seamless first day, make sure you:

  • Double check your employee has all necessary tech when they arrive
  • Have your employee test collaboration tools like cloud storage, instant messenger, SharePoint, and OneDrive
  • Offer training or one-on-one meetings to go over software or hardware your new employee isn’t familiar with
  • Go over mobile device management policies (if necessary)

With training, onboarding, and accounting questions to answer, you’ve got plenty of work to do—it’s time to take new hire IT off your to-do list! Reach out to our team at Grand Technology Solutions to learn more about how we can help make your workplace transitions as smooth as possible. Whether you’re staying remote through the New Year, expanding your team, or moving offices, we’re here to help in every way possible.

Give us a yell at (904) 606-6011 or email to learn more.

And remember… For IT success, call GTS!


Paul May