
New Tech Trends in 2023

We are living in the so-called information age. New technologies are developed daily to improve everyone’s lives by making them simpler, more advanced, and overall better. With the help of modern technology, businesses can reduce costs, enhance customer experiences, and boost revenues. Understanding the tech trends that will rule the upcoming year is the first step to achieving this so that you can utilize them early on.

Here are 5 tech trends you should watch for in 2023

1. Quantum Computing

A global competition is currently underway to create quantum computing at scale. Quantum computers use basic units known as qubits instead of the 1s and 0s used by traditional computers. The computing power stems from the potential for each qubit to be both 1 and 0 simultaneously rather than being restricted to one or the other. This new way of processing and storing information is a technological leap expected to bring us computers capable of operating a trillion times faster than the fastest traditional processors available today. However, the possible risk of quantum computing is that it might make our current encryption methods ineffective. As a result, any country that develops quantum computing on a large scale might decrypt the encryption used by other governments, corporations, security systems, and other entities.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

A decade ago, artificial intelligence, or AI, began to increase in popularity. It is still going strong and will be one of the leading technologies next year. AI is constantly evolving, and more and more innovative uses for this technology are emerging. For example, it’s helping online stylists personally select and recommends clothing items to customers based on historical data. The layout and design of retail warehouses are being informed by it to increase productivity and logistics. Inventory inspections are being automated to enhance online buying, in-store pickup, and return experiences. Look for AI applications to grow and integrate more seamlessly with human employees and their job responsibilities in 2023.

3.  Digital Business in the Metaverse

The adoption of the Metaverse in marketing, events, and company operations will rise by 2023, making it more widely used. Creating virtual workspaces and meeting spaces that facilitate communication, real-time collaboration, brainstorming, and other activities will continue to be developed by businesses such as Microsoft and Google. The virtual space will accommodate work, recreation, shopping, and socializing in a way that doesn’t feel much different from reality. Additionally, the avatar technology created in this field aims to become more like an accurate reflection. For example, a person’s avatar might mimic their movements and expressions. 

4. User-First Data Governance

It’s not surprising that trust in data privacy is at an all-time low. Businesses will therefore try to regain the trust of their customers in 2023 by introducing user-first data governance. As a result, customers will have complete control over their personal data collection, processing, storage, and disposal. Businesses can build a relationship with their customers by embracing data transparency and explaining how a customer’s data is utilized and how it can improve their experience. Then, prospective clients can determine whether the benefit of sharing data justifies the risk.

5. Ongoing Shift to Cloud Computing

Businesses will continue to move more and more of their data and operations to the cloud, as has been the trend for the past few years. They continue embracing more remote operations capabilities, third-party outsourcing opportunities, cybersecurity, and data storage available through cloud-based technologies.

At Grand Technology Solutions, we are not strangers to emerging technologies and the challenges that come with implementing them into your business. Our years of experience have also taught us a thing or two about security, risk, and scalability. So, as 2022 comes to an end, ask yourself if your business is using the available technology to its full potential. If not, let us help! To learn more about our services, call (904) 606-6011 or email


Paul May