
Tips for Data Backups

Backing up your business data is just like testing the smoke detectors in your home – one of those things you should do regularly but isn’t always top-of-mind. With cyber threats like ransomware, malware, and phishing on the rise, targeting businesses of all sizes, it’s impractical to assume that you’ll always be able to prevent an infection. So, your best defense against these threats is establishing a data backup and recovery plan. Even if you think you’re in a good position when it comes to protecting data, there might be more you can do. 

Here are a few essential suggestions or tips that help you make sure your data is secure and accessible when you need it:

Take Advantage of Automated Scheduling

If you have to remember to back up your files to the cloud, you will eventually forget to do it. If that happens, your business could potentially lose days’ or even weeks’ worth of critical data. Thankfully, you can use automation to avoid that from happening. Most commercial cloud storage providers offer software that helps you designate files for backup and recovery and then keeps them synced to the cloud. All you have to do is look for the option to perform incremental backups, which can aid in lowering the bandwidth usage of your backup setup. Occasionally, you’ll also want to run large backups that include your network applications and company databases. Try scheduling these to upload overnight, so they don’t suck up network resources during the workday.

Test the Data in Your Backup

While regular data backups offer peace of mind, it’s important to remember that a backup is only a backup if you can restore from it successfully. This is why you should also regularly test your ability to recover data from your backup. Plus, testing helps you learn how to implement recovery following a data loss. If a backup test fails, you can take the steps needed to ensure you don’t lose valuable information. Otherwise, you’re throwing money at storage space and backup services that are no help, and you’ll find out too late.

Encryption is Critical

Most organizations need to back up sensitive data, such as customer information, billing details, and employee records. But, even if the data you’re storing isn’t considered sensitive, you don’t want to leave any business files open to exposure in the event your network is hacked. That’s why encryption is essential when backing up data to the cloud. Your cloud provider should offer end-to-end encryption, which ensures data is secure before it leaves your computer. This means that even if a hacker can steal files from your backup, the files cannot be decrypted without your organization’s key.

Redundant Backups are Key: 3-2-1 Rule

Although having a single, complete backup of your business’s files and computing network is better than nothing, it’s still not all that secure. A 3-2-1 backup strategy adds extra layers of protection to ensure multiple copies of data are backed up and retained. The 3-2-1 rule states that you should keep three copies of data, the original data copy, and at least two backups. Use two different storage types. For example, if data is stored on an internal hard drive, use a secondary device such as an external drive or cloud source. And finally, keep one copy of data offsite. Thanks to cloud-based storage, you can keep two or even three copies in the cloud and updated in real time. 

Train Your Team on Importance of Backups

No matter how strong your data backup plan is, it is useless if your employees are not adequately trained. Deploying a data protection strategy that incorporates backups and security awareness training will help your business effectively counter data loss.

At Grand Technology Solutions, we understands the importance creating an effective backup strategy. Our team of experts can help provide data backup solutions and guidance to ensure you’re able to keep your critical operations up and running. To learn more about how we can help get you started with a data backup plan that works for you, give us a call at (904) 606-6011 or email us at today.


Paul May