5 Reasons to use Managed Services

5 Reasons to Use Managed Services in 2022

For a business to run smoothly, safely, and securely, your IT infrastructure needs to be managed by experienced professionals. From updating devices and networks to ensuring data privacy and protection, overseeing IT operations can be challenging. Unfortunately, many small and medium businesses don’t have the time, talent, or money to keep their IT operations in-house. That’s why […]


5 Advantages of Outsourcing Your IT Through Managed Services

Technology is constantly changing and evolving. Increased productivity, collaboration, and security are things every business owner wants. However, keeping up with this evolving technology can be challenging and time-consuming. In addition, as your business grows, so will its IT needs. But maintaining an in-house IT team is not always a practical solution. Allowing a managed […]

Email Security Best Practices

Protect Your Business: Email Security Best Practices for Small Businesses

For most businesses, email is the most important communication tool. However, email remains a massive source for cyber security threats. Cybercriminals can spoof domains to appear as a legitimate source, distribute malware and spam via email channels, and use social engineering to trick users into making payments or giving up sensitive account information. So, what […]


The Psychology Behind Phishing: Why we fall for phishing emails & how we can protect ourselves.

It’s a fact that most data breaches occur because of human error. Cybercriminals are well aware of this, and they know exactly how to manipulate people into clicking without thinking. That’s why email scams — also known as phishing — have become so successful. Phishing has become an even bigger problem during the last year […]