Encryption can be a difficult concept to grasp, but it’s necessary to protect your business’ sensitive data. In simple terms, encryption is the process through which data is encoded so that it remains hidden from, or inaccessible, to hackers or other unauthorized users. It helps protect sensitive information and data. Even if an unauthorized person […]
Your business probably has comprehensive cybersecurity policies for all employees to follow. However, even with these protections, it’s important to stay vigilant when it comes to keeping your company’s data and network safe and secure. Cybersecurity best practices include being cautious when engaging in online activities, following company rules, and reaching out for help when […]
The importance of cybersecurity extends beyond your desktop or laptop computer. When you think about it, many of our everyday electronic devices are computers, from cell phones and tablets to video games, car navigation systems, and more. With advancements in technology and more people using smart devices, there has been a corresponding rise in cyber threats. Each smart device […]
Mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and smartwatches, have become one of the primary technologies we use in both our personal and professional lives. What makes these devices so powerful are the thousands of apps we can choose from. These apps enable us to be more productive, communicate and share with others, train and educate, […]
In the last five years, cloud technology has become very popular with businesses of all sizes. It gives organizations access to on-demand software and hardware managed by a service provider. Cloud storage certainly offers many benefits; however, some businesses still find local storage more practical. With advantages to both cloud storage and local storage, it’s essential to […]
If you’re thinking of migrating your company to Microsoft Office 365‘s cloud platform this year, you’re not alone. Cloud computing has changed the way businesses carry out their day-to-day operations and communication. It has also enhanced overall productivity by providing the tools your business needs to run smoothly and efficiently. Featuring apps that are customizable, user-friendly, and intelligent. Office […]
You would only call on your IT team when something broke or wasn’t working correctly in the past. However, thanks to technology and the internet, this department is leading the charge of innovating strategies to leverage technology and support business goals. But, unfortunately, not every company can afford the type of IT staff needed to remain […]
Choosing who to trust with the full scope of your organization’s information technology can be a daunting task. In today’s world, businesses live and die by their ability to embrace and use technology to their advantage. This is why it’s vital to choose a managed service provider (MSP) that can meet your business IT needs […]
Working from home can seem like a dream come true for many employees who are sick of their morning commutes and like the idea of spending more time with their family and pets, but it’s not without its own set of challenges. Digital miscommunications, time management problems, and technology issues are just some of the challenges you […]
Imagine coming home after a long day of work and finding your house key isn’t working, and you can’t get into your home. You look in a window, and you can see everything inside is being held hostage, but you’re completely helpless. Suddenly you get a text message on your phone saying, “Pay us $10,000 […]