
Common Managed Service Myths – BUSTED!

You would only call on your IT team when something broke or wasn’t working correctly in the past. However, thanks to technology and the internet, this department is leading the charge of innovating strategies to leverage technology and support business goals. But, unfortunately, not every company can afford the type of IT staff needed to remain up-to-date on changing technology, and even the ones who can only have so much bandwidth to get everything done. That’s why many organizations are turning to Managed Service Providers (MSPs) to help.

What is a Managed Service Provider?

A managed service provider, or MSP, is a company that manages its customers’ IT services and systems remotely, introducing proactive protections and support at a reasonable cost. Most MSPs, like GTS, operate on a subscription model. Our clients pay a monthly, quarterly, or yearly fee, and in exchange, we’re on call whenever you need us.

When you first start learning about managed service providers, you may run into many misconceptions that could qualify as an “MSP Myth.” These might make you hesitant about using them for your business technology needs. So, we’re here to set the record straight. Here are the top 5 myths about MSPs – BUSTED!

MYTH #1: Managed Services is Too Expensive

Internal IT is one of the highest and most unpredictable expenditures. Managed services help you stay on top of your IT costs. Your business pays a manageable monthly or quarterly fee, making budgeting for IT operating expenses easier. MSPs also provide long-term cost savings by reducing applications downtime, cutting IT infrastructure costs, improving IT team productivity, and implementing greater security to avoid costly cyberattacks.

MYTH #2: An MSP Will Replace Our Current IT Department

This is rarely true. An MSP can complement your current IT team rather than replace it. While the service provider can be your primary source of IT for smaller companies, in most cases, it’s best to have your IT department working alongside an MSP. This helps free up time for your in-house team, enabling them to focus on critical tasks. The MSP is also great for bringing in specialized technicians that are difficult to recruit, bringing new skills and experience to your overall team. Ultimately, an MSP is here to empower, not replace, your IT team.

MYTH #3: Small Businesses Don’t Benefit from MSPs

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can benefit more from working with an MSP. After all, large corporations and enterprises have enough financial resources and clout to attract experienced IT candidates for their internal teams. Additionally, they can afford to have sufficient staff to handle everything from their daily needs to large rollouts. Therefore, an MSP can be an invaluable source for SMBs, allowing them access to the specialized knowledge they need to create and maintain their technology infrastructure.

MYTH #4: Your Company’s Data is More at Risk With an MSP

This is actually quite the opposite. MSPs know how important security and privacy are for their customers. Therefore, they are very proactive in maintaining and monitoring your business IT network to prevent issues before they happen. In addition, good MSPs, like GTS, work with compliant Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), which ensures that they will follow the required protocols to keep your data safe.

MYTH #5: You Lose Control of Your IT Operations

This is only true if you hand over all IT operations to your MSP and don’t effectively manage your partnership with them. It’s vital to hire an MSP that understands the level of control you want to retain. Make sure you outline the relationship in your Service Level Agreement. This document should detail your expectations, roles and responsibilities, and the scope of services you want. Before you hire an MSP, look at their client testimonials and ask questions about how they will keep you up-to-date with the work they do for you.

Let Grand Technology Solutions show you exactly what a reliable MSP can do for your business. Give us a call at (904) 606-6011 or email today!


Paul May